RV Departure Checklist

Essential departure checklist for every Airstream or travel trailer traveler.

It took a “we should have known better” moment to prompt us to adopt a consistent RV checklist routine when packing and moving our travel trailer. Hopefully, the research you are doing now will save you from learning through the school of hard knocks (which seems to be our default).

We originally started with an informal list that we improved each time we traveled with the travel trailer. We have come to learn that the list of crucial steps is pretty similar, whether you are towing an Airstream like we are or another one of the many models that are out there today.

The point where we realized we needed to take the checklist seriously and do a little research to see if we were missing any critical steps was when we opened the door after a short haul and found all of the fresh water had been pumped into the interior of our trailer. Checklist item #1: Turn off the fresh water pump!

After mopping up the mess and starting the dehumidifier, we got serious about completing the checklist we now use right before we leave any campsite. We only have to remember one thing: Go through the checklist before towing the trailer. We made our list into a laminated card that we keep in the glove box of the truck so that it is always available, regardless of how our other devices are functioning at the time.


Checklist template

We are sharing our version of an RV checklist here in case it is helpful to you. Everyone’s details are slightly different, but the basics are pretty similar. There is a PDF of our specific checklist that you are welcome to use. The document is formatted for two-sided printing so that you can cut it out and laminate it. I am using some self-laminating pockets from Amazon because, as we downsize for trailer life no unitaskers are allowed, so an electric laminator is out of the question. Many FedEx Office stores, Staples, and craft stores also offer laminating services. There is also an editable Word version so that you can personalize the list to add your own details. Both versions are formatted to fit the 4” x 6” size of the laminating pockets.

Departure Checklist-two-sided PDF

Departure Checklist-two-sided – MS Word – Editable

We love learning from the Airstream and RV/travel trailer communities. If this is useful to you, please leave a comment with your experiences and suggestions for improvements.

Happy trails,

Danna and Jack